Saturday, December 31, 2011

Twenties Bucket List (as at 23.27 on 31/12/11)

* Goal - Raise €500 Euro for Dogs For The Disabled Ireland (D4D)
NOTE: Have begun work on this already by putting AdSense on this blog
any monies raised will be forwarded to them.

* Undertake a 365 craft project - a photographic and short journal record of each day's creative work
(this will act as a confidence bolster and help me to learn, grow, share and focus.

* Take steps to improve the pretty much frozen state of my career as a perfomer

* Finish my Rosetta Stone Course As Gailge and be at least fully conversant, if not fluent by the end of the year.

* Take this year's work on bio rhythms and routines to the next level - be more comfortably "on he wagon" with FlyLady (10 years on the programme this year)

* Successfully complete this year of Uni

* Find a sponsor for next year of Uni

* Get to the next step for paralympic swimming process

* Get some more use out of my qualifications - especially my Teaching Certificate

* Get over my confidence issue with singing

* Increase the levels of beauty, creativity and music in our lives

* Pass my driving license before my provisional expires in May.

* CHALLENGE myself even more every day


  1. Addition:

    * Loose my habit/attitude of "I can't justify spending time working on that, it's for (or benefits) me"

  2. Further addition (should've been on the original and was accidentally omitted):

    * Finish my screenplay adaptation that I began last august
