Saturday, December 31, 2011

Rules of the Game

It's just occurred, some small amount of housekeeping is in order.

Sad that such things are necessary - and I'm aware that it only applies to a small minority (thankfully) who need such things, but here we go...

The Rules of the Game are:

* Keep it clean & nice please!
- I DELIBERATELY maintain a U-PG rating as far as possible in all of my online activity, partly as a connection to my children, who while they're far away, might just be reading this.
Also I have some friends who find use of language aggressive, not just an indicator of low intelligence.
Language is therefore one of the very few things that I will edit for (I don't generally believe in censorship - hence there's only few things I edit).

* The other thing that will not be tolerated in this space is hate in any form
- so extremists of all paths THIS IS YOUR FAIR WARNING: This space is open, warm, welcoming and maintained in a spirit of gentleness and peace - if you feel you're going to have trouble respecting this, don't come any further.

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